This is (for now) the final post in the Development Team series. We are now recruiting volunteer developers to help with our network projects. If you are a developer coming late to the party, you can catch up with the previous posts HERE (Part 1), and then HERE (Part 2).
The previous step was quite gruelling with lots of in-depth conversations and ideas. Big thanks to everyone who mailed in with thoughts, feedback and advice, that has been very helpful.
We have already replied to everyone who mailed in. A few Members did not get back to us. An amount of dropout is usual, but some of you had put some effort into your first mails. Enough effort that it seems odd to disappear that quickly – so just in case, if you mailed in about the development stuff, or the Help Wanted roles, and you did not receive a reply, please can you resend your mail. Also, please check your junk mail folders. If your mail is being an asshole you can always contact us on Telegram.
Since the previous post, we’ve appointed a Development Group Leader, and an Associate Group Leader – both experienced, motivated and great.
We have set up a dev team sandbox server, a private GIT repository for our projects, and a team collaboration platform. The chaps are tinkering with those while we now look for developers to join our new team.
Finally we are looking for enthusiatic volunteer developers to join our dev dream team. Our projects are primarily web-based, so we are looking for devs skilled and competent in:
- HTML/CSS/the usual webstuff
- javaScript / Ajax etc
- some frameworks
We are also interested in skills like:
- SEO, site speed etc
- MySQL queries optimization
- Security / pen testing
- Code review
- Testing (you don’t need too many skills to be a tester)
We are also interested in building some apps down the line so any app developers would be nice. And if you have any other skills you feel are relevant and useful to what we are doing here, please get in touch.
Many of you have jobs or other commitments, we don’t expect you to be available 24/7. We will organise small tasks for you that should not intrude too much. We won’t give any deadlines – but of course we will be mindful of how long something takes, as it will give an idea of your availability.
Those developers who are pleasant to work with, skilled, motivated and trustworthy – who get involved and demonstrate a clear commitment to what we are doing here – those devs will become part of our eventual Dream Team.
Please drop us a mail, with a brief description of yourself/your skills, and why you would like to join our dev team. Good written English is a must.
We are not looking for a huge team right now. We plan to start with a small team, so any team problems or challenges are also small. When things are running smoothly, we can invite more team members in. So if we don’t take you on immediately, don’t worry we can bring you in later.
We have not worked with developers this way before, there is bound to be a learning curve. We have lots to do, so please bear with us as we get things organized and all the little kinks ironed out.
We’ve had dev teams before, but nothing like this. Our new Group Leaders’ enthusiasm is refreshing. The things we work on will be a team effort from Members of our network, and I can’t wait to get stuck into some interesting and fun projects.
I have a bit of help now with dev emails so this round should not take as long as the previous. Even so, if we do not reply immediately, don’t panic. It just means we have a lot of applications to get through.
Thanks for reading, and I hope some of you will join us on our new adventures 🙂