Bine is a friend of Art of Zoo, from our previous community, one of our genuine and hardcore animal sex fans. Bine gives us the lowdown on her love and lust for horny hounds…
Please tell us about yourself. What music you like, what movies, books – what is your outlook?
Pop, Elektro, Techno, The Story of “O”, Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, Despicable Me… Being happy, with everything positive that happens in my life.
How long have you been interested in dog sex?
I think since 2003, when my Husband told me he would like to try it, and he showed me some pictures and short clips.
How many times have you enjoyed sex with dogs?
It must be between 20 and 25 times.
Would you say that animal sex makes up a big part of who you are, or are you a more casual pet lover?
It’s one part of my sex life, there are so many more things I like and do.
If you had one ’dog sex brag’, what would it be?
I am good with pure penetration, and with knotting, so I always try to take it all. Hubby always says that he has such a hot wife.
How do you rate your dog sex skills?
I am not inexperienced, but you can’t have enough dog sex experience! Now I am somewhere in the middle.
Do you dress sexily for your dog?
Sure! I always love to dress sexy, so why not for a dog? He wants to do good things to me!
Did anything ever go wrong when you were having sex with dogs?
When I was new and inexperienced, I had a dog who also didn’t know what to do. He scratched my legs, pressed his nose very hard into my pussy, and nipped my labia. It was only a bit of pain, it didn’t stop me.
Please describe how sex with dogs makes you feel. Is it only physical? Or emotional?
It´s more than only sex. It’s knowing that this is not human sex. Plus, I love to be used. When a dog mounts me, I get what I love.
What part of dog sex do you enjoy the most?
I love the part of knotting when he pumps everything he has deep into me.
What is your wildest animal sex story?
One time, we went to visit the owner of a Rottweiler. After the dog has finished, we headed home. We were about 10 minutes on our way, when my husband parked the car in the fields, came around to my side, and licked the dog cum out of my pussy. He got me out of the car and took me from behind. He came deep inside me, that was sooo hot!
What is your favorite animal sex fantasy? Is there anything you would very much like to do?
I am in a room, and dogs come in one after another. They make me their bitch. When dog three has finished, I realize that I am on a stage and many people are watching what I do. My fantasy says I would do that for hours. But…really fantasy? Or better …..wish?
Please tell us a little about your first time. How did it happen?
We got an invite to a Dog-Party. I was excited, but also a bit afraid. We went to the party, the hours went by and at last there was one dog, and me – the question…yes or no. I did it, but the first experience at the party was not very nice. I was not really ready for it at the time.
How soon did you do it again?
I think the next invitation was 4 Weeks later, and the next experience was much better.
Did the experience change you or your life in any way?
Over the months, the experience got better, and smoother and more enjoyable as I got used to it. Now I try new things more often, even they don’t work well the first time.
Does your partner share your interest in animal sex?
Yes, he really enjoys it. He was the person who got me into this.
Do you think that animal sex has enhanced the relationship between you and your partner?
Absolutely! Our horizons are much bigger now.
How important do you think it is, to be honest with your partner about your petlove interests?
It’s very important, and we always talk about new things – even they sound funny or impossible.
Many people will read about your dog sex lifestyle. How does that make you feel?
I am proud that I can inspire others, and I feel very good. And maybe a little bit excited.
What affect would you like your words to have on people?
Others should accept that people have sex with dogs. Lots of people. It’s unusual for all the vanilla people out there, but for vanilla people everything is unusual. It’s pretty nice for me.
If you had one thing to tell other ladies who are considering doggy sex, what would it be?
Ladies…try it out. Do it, if it is possible. It’s so hot, what do you have to lose? Just be safe and be sexy.
Anything you want to say to the readers?
I want to thank all People, who like my pictures and “Thank you” to all who follow me and leave a comment.
Great interview, your husband is a very lucky man.
Thanks a lot to Lucienom, for this Interview
Thanks to you, Rob1994, for your Comment. I think he is 😉
yes very revealing, am very interested in how it gets its start, the more you read the more informed you are , thanks
That’s so intriguing, just being a solid, durable woman. You bless the community with interviews that are worth every second, i cant wait till further members stroll along?
Great pics and interview! Seems more interest in Europe compared to North America.
Bine68 you are beautiful and your husband is a lucky SOB.. I’d love to date a woman who shares this fetish.
So nice…
Very nice .. thanx for sharing xx
Gratamente sorprendido por los relatos, soy nuevo,excelente entrevista a una persona sin prejuicios
Gracias por tu comentario
Nice, very nice interview 🙂
Her husband did the right thing, lick her clean and cum inside her!
bravo chère et belle dame pour votre contribution, j’aime beaucoup ce que vous faites.
votre tatouage sur votre ventre est magnifique!
Thanks a lot for being open for such an interview (and your pics. very eroctic :- hot chicken)
Danke dir für die Offenheit im Interview (und die erotischen Bilder 🙂 heisser Feger)!
Wonderful interview Very erotic but down to Earth as well. Bravo!..
This is a very frank interview and seemly very honest, so thank you very much for doing this.
Hot interview. Would like to know if she started because she was interested, or just that her hubby wanted her to. Hot, either way!
Moça linda
Ja , es ist wundervoll wen man eine frau an seiner Seite hat die auch sexuelle Vorlieben teilt. Gegenseitig behilflich sein beim einführen und ausführen. Schöne grüße auch an deinen Mann.
Great to hear of such beautiful dog mating.
My wife is hoping to experience the same.
Hi everyone im new here 🙂
Nice honest interview. Have you bought your own dog ?
Hallo Bine, hallo Rudi wünsche euch alles liebe und ein geiles aufregendes Wochenende.
Wir fiebern erstmal jetzt mit der deutschen Mannschaft mit gegen Schweden, liebe Bine ich hoffe du hast dann gerade den Knoten eines großen Rüden in dir.
Ich hoffe dein lieber Gatte Rudi sorgt dafür das seine läufige Hündin dann mehrfach gedeckt wird.
Ich kenne euch von eroprofile liebe geile Grüße
I would like to see my wife knotted.
Kisses from me.
great stories, kiss
Lovely to live for all sex, I think dog sex is so beautiful and maby the best in sex! 😉
Yes i agree dogsex is awsome i think all woman should be breeding bitches to dogs. pussy needs dog cock in thim at all times we are good people dog cocks in pussy are awsome girls
Love reading these stories. Makes me feel like I’m not so weird after all for my desires!
Ein klasse Interview
Very interesting and exciting. Cool pictures, happy people. Your husband, bine 68, is truly happy. I wish there were more interviews
You love what you do as a dog lover and that great you have a good dog cunt you deserve to have dogs red and purple vain cocks in your pussy at all times your a good breeding bitch keep up the good work keep thim dog cocks in your pussy and keep cuming that a good girl.