Simba works Wanda with some powerful hard dog cock, and that womanly pussy gets him off in a hurry......
Those legs, those buns - Mei Ling really goes down easy. That cute little Pet Pussy all restrained and vulnerable......
Mariela turns her attentions to the dog, and seeing if he can pump some puppies into her......
Tink is ideal for the frame, the concentration on her face as Bullseye slips in, and out of her helpless pussy - her face says it all......
Simba is horny, and not going easy on Ramona today. This Lady seems like a delicate flower, unaccustomed to ruff treatment from a horny dog keen on her vagina......
Strawberry is keen and goes again and again. Session after session, mount after mount, he humps his way toward that first tie......
Our Hero Simba engages in a steamy love affair with River's sexy buns, over 3 action-packed sessions......
Wanda took ALL of Simba's cum during that mating and very little leakage. Complete doggy satisfaction - what a nice Lady......
Josefina takes it quite hard, but she takes it very nicely. Up on the roof, in the sun, getting knotted by a dog for the whole world to see......
It's kinda hot to know that this is the Lady's very first mating, and it's with a dog. Lucky Bullseye gets to tread where no male has trod before......
Truly's hot and rocks the Rott - the sexy Latina with the vavavoom curves takes a smooth dogging, and pleasure for all......
It's Petal's first time experiencing a dog inside her, Petal's sweet, tight little flower is a real dog treat......
Appropriate discipline is applied, and Dina's pussy is wet and ready for her first dog session......
Lise puts her pet skills to good use with her boy - not just the skills of course, those fantastic boobs, ass and fabulous pussy also come in very handy......
Sexy Yasmin takes her lucky boy Brian for a ride into Joy Town - dressed in red to match Brian's mojo......
The final Pack in our animal porn Originals series - 5 movies + 1 photoset starring Sarah, Kate and Peaches......
Golden Ladies - 5 Movie + 3 Photoset Pack starring Elvis' harem Emily, Sabrina and Gabby......
6 Movie + 4 Photoset Pack featuring the lovely Pippa and her dog loving friends......
6 Movie Pack starring Domino and Friends - The second Pack in our Originals series......