Many thanks to everyone who entered the competition – we will be in touch with the winner and runners-up shortly.
We are updating our ArtOfZoo movie intro, and we are giving away a free movie for the best strapline. Ideas on a postcard please!
If you are familiar with our movies, you are probably familiar with the Art of Zoo intro – the bit where it says ‘Can you keep my secret?‘ I did that intro in a real hurry and it could do with a bit of an update. ILZ has done a nice job redoing the video graphics in After Effects. We’d like to update the audio on it too. We thought it might be fun to involve our Petfans in the creative process. We will get one of our Lady friends to record the strapline in a sexy voice.
For those that know, ‘Can you keep my secret‘ is a bit of a nonsense on this scene. So we would like a new, sexy, and more appropriate strapline to go onto our intro, and you’ll get to hear your strapline on all Art of Zoo videos hereon in. We are giving away a free movie of your choice, to the Petfan who comes up with the best, most imaginative strapline.
It shouldn’t be too long, and something super sexy would be great. Here are a few example suggestions:
- “Ooo, Good Boy!”
- “You like that, huh?”
- “Walk on the Wild Side”
- “Your love is so wild”
That kind of thing, you get the idea. Get really creative with it please, we want something great because it will be around for a while and lots of people will get to hear it. We want the kind of strapline that slaps you in the face, and leaves you with the taste of sweet Lady parts in your mouth for about 3 days.
You will need Twitter / X to enter. We have opened 1 post up on one of our Twitter pages, to allow comments. Please post your strapline idea in the comments for this post:
We will keep an eye on the comments, we will keep the competition open for a couple of months. Then we will pick the best one – please make sure we are able to message you on Twitter so we know how to get in touch with you to send your movie link.
Please don’t start emailing your entries in, our inbox is busy enough as it is 🙂
That’s about the size of it Gang – please get your creative hats on, and we look forward to hearing your bright ideas. Happy straplining!