Mogul #6: Project Triple-X
The Lady's black panties peeking out, Coco certainly knows how to make a first impression...
Mogul #5: Boar Corps.
The Senor would like to get a pair of boars - we haven't had a pair of boars before, I'm already dwelling on...
Mogul #4: Raven’s Quest
"Hey, who is that Lady, and is there a movie with her?" is a very commonly asked question on Support. No surprise, Raven...
Mogul #3 Complete!
Donna certainly has a gift for draining doggies of their holy water, so this initiation should be a breeze...
Mogul #3: Nuns of Fun!
The device of sticking nuns in naughty situations with animals is a classic one. Bodil did it. I have countless books with animal-loving...
Rise of The Machine
Once the boys figured out that this was a thing to put Ladies on for them to fuck, they thought it was the...
Mogul #2: Strict Machine
Come With Us On A Journey of K9 Bondage, K9sM and Doggysex-perimentation...
Project 1: Mogul Update
Our first Mogul Project was a roaring success. “Beauty and the Beasts” will be a wonderful trilogy of pet love. Some delightful material...
Mogul #1 – DogWoman Megashoot
This is the 1st Mogul Project on the table - introducing the very lovely DogWoman. This magnificent Pet Lady is about 7 feet...